Saturday, January 9, 2021

A seemingly angry Meghan McCain returns to The View

The often contentious host on the view, Meghan McCain has returned from maternity leave and as one would expect, the fireworks have re-ignited. Meghan McCain appears as an angry person which is quite unusual for a new mother. New mothers are usually gushing about their new born and often appear, In public at least, to be happy, from my experience. However, I was shocked when I tuned into the view to be greeted with an almost unrecognizable Meghan and an unhappy looking host who seemed to fly into a rage for no reason at all. Of course Meghan McCain has not been known to play nice with her co-hosts in the past. Disagreements become confrontational and I often tune out and had quit looking at The View for awhile. However, I started to watch The View again during the time Meghan was on maternity leave and found the experience a lot more pleasant. I wonder, however,as a mother myself, whether Meghan may be having her own difficulties. We do know that post partum depression is real and I encourage all new mothers to be aware of the potential and seek help. In this era of Covid-19 and political unrest, I would rather look at a View that is respectful of others, pleasant, friendly and filled with good conversation, otherwise I will move on.