Thursday, September 28, 2023

The importance of searching the Landfill for victims of crime

The importance of searching the Winnipeg land for murdered indigenous women has generated some controversy in recent times. It has been the Manitoba government against Indigenous groups, families, friends, and supporters. In the midst of a provincial election, the topic has become a hot button issue in political debates, with one political party vowing to search the landfill and the other vowing not to. We are at an impasse. But is there something we are forgetting in this divisive debate? Have we considered the real value of a life—the pain and suffering of a mother, father, or siblings? Murderers have been granted lighter sentences if they reveal the location of a murder victim, with the agreement of the victim's family, just so that they have the opportunity to put their loved ones to rest.  For all of those who feel that such an exercise would be too costly or dangerous, take a moment to think of the families and the victims. The least we can do for them is to provide closure. Ask yourselves if you would be comfortable knowing your loved one's body parts are scattered in a garbage dump and no one seems to care.