Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Donald Trump resorts to begging

Donald Trump resorts to begging for support. Since Trump has been unseated as the Republican front runner, he has resorted to begging for votes. At a rally in Souix City, Iowa, in front of some 2400 supporters he said "Iowa will you get your numbers up please" "I promise I will do such a good job" Translated, please please, please, help me I am drowning. It that desperation I hear or has the mighty Trump fallen an inch or two? Let's see if he is just as contrite at the Republican debate tonight.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Topless women, topless men, what's the difference?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo chides women posing nearly naked in Times Square and says they are  breaking the law. Why is it okay for men to bare their breasts but when women do it it is called "illegal" READ MORE

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Where are the kids? Donald Trump's kids

Image Wikimedia Commons

Forget "where are the parents" a term we use when children get out of hand. Now it is "where are the kids" when parents misbehave like Donald Trump. There comes a time when a certain degree of senility creeps into the minds of he best and brightest. Age takes its toll and parents need to be reigned in by their children. However, this is not the case with Donald Trump. I winced when I heard his speech, announcing his run for president - A speech  laced with hate against Mexicans, and gibberish, What did his children think while he was babbling like a feeble minded person? Perhaps there was nothing they could do to save Donald Trump from the error of his ways but for sure the public was listening and the backlash was fast and furious. Donald, Donald, Donald, what were you thinking?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The boycott campaign against Fifty Shades of Grey

image wikimedia commons credit

Several Women's groups, anti-abuse advocates are campaigning for  boycott of Fifty Shades of Grey. LifePetitions, is a community of grass roots activists   leading a petition to boycott the film, claiming that  while it was released on Valentine's Day and marketed as "romance", there is nothing romantic about "a sado-masochistic sexual relationship between a young, vulnerable student, Anastasia, and an older billionaire"  


Monday, February 9, 2015

No flowers for valentine's day please

Don't bring me flowers for Valentine’s Day. Have you noticed the price of flowers on Valentine’s Day?  Early in our marriage my dear husband brought me   gorgeous bunches of red roses for Valentine’s Day.  Then one year just prior to another Valentine's Day I noticed the sign in the flower shop on my way to work.  A bunch of roses for Valentine’s Day was $50.00. Fifty dollars! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did I not pass this same flower shop a month ago and they were selling a bunch of roses for under $20.00? Did my eyes deceive me?  Say it isn't so
 You see I have always considered myself a practical person - sometimes to a fault. We were just starting out, raising a young family and I felt the cost of roses was highway robbery. He loves Valentine’s Day and so as a compromise I would say bring me a plant instead so I can put it in my garden in spring. This way the money doesn't fade away in a week. That was then, many years ago and I have no idea what a bunch of roses for Valentine's Day cost today but every now and then he can't resist the urge to sneak a few roses in on Valentine's Day.  Well, at least we can afford it now but I still remind him that I would rather have a plant.

 But the no flowers policy for Valentine’s Day is only one of my objections to Valentine’s Day spending.  I do not think that Valentine’s Day is necessary for a number of reasons and I have continually nagged my husband not to make a big deal of the day. Love should be a year round exercise so I see valentine day as a cop out for many who feel they can delay gestures of love until once a year. I would rather have Valentine’s Day once a month in the form of something special like a date night or those daily gestures of love like helping out around the house, fixing the broken window and all those little acts that make me feel valued and loved.

The only ones that really benefit from Valentine’s Day are the businesses. They tempt you with diamonds, chocolates, reds and pinks, and all the fluff and frills for one day of love. And have you noticed that Valentine’s Day is primarily marketed for women and the pressure is on men to spend to let the woman know she is loved?  Commercials like "he went to Jared’s" or "every kiss begins with kay" are all geared toward getting women to salivate over expensive jewelry and men to empty their pockets to satisfy these wants. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey, what is all the fuss about?

Image Pixaby

I am so sick of hearing about fifty shades of grey. But what I am most disgusted about is the assumption that all women are just dying to read about it and watch the movie. Read More

Brian Williams, liar or forgetful

Is Brian Williams a liar or just forgetful. Age does play tricks on our minds?  READ MORE
Image Wikimedia Commons

Friday, February 6, 2015

Do you feel discriminated against because you have a tattoo?

So many people with beautiful tattoos, but does it work against them, especially when looking for a job?

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Yet another black shot - hands up didn't work

Another video surfaced about police in New Jersey shooting to death another black man at a traffic stop. It happened in December 2014 but only now released Read More