Friday, April 1, 2016

If there is a crime there is punishment - Donald Trump was right according to Republican views

Donald Trump was right when he said there should punishment for women for the "crime" of abortion. While I vehemently disagree with this view, Trump is simply saying what Ted Cruz and the rest of the far right Republican party are afraid to say out loud.

All Republicans believe that abortion is a crime and are working diligently to get a woman" right to choose outlawed. If they succeed in reversing the current law where abortion is not illegal and make it illegal then it becomes a crime and both the providers and the recipients will be guilty under the law. Whether you steal or receive stolen goods you are guilty of a crime. There is no way the Republicans will be able to create a law that punishes only one party to a crime.

Ted Cruz came out against punishing women for abortion yet his Anti-Choice coalition "Pro Lifers for Cruz" is led by extremists 
Troy Newman is head of a radical anti-choice group "Operation Rescue" who argues in his book that women who have abortions should be treated like murderers. READ THE FULL STORY

There is a sinister plot in place by Republicans to ensure that Obama's nomination to the supreme court stalls. The next president will be in a position to appoint not one but 3 supreme court justices, who will have reached the age of retirement,  which would make it possible to reverse  number of laws including those related to abortion and gay rights.
Donald Trump has no filter, he just says it as it is: If abortion becomes illegal, women will be arrested, jailed fined, hunted down, physically removed from the abortion table. If you see a crime what do you do? Prevent it and punish. This is the true belief of the Republican party.

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