Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Headline: President Trump to round up all Muslims and place them in concentration camps

Could you see a headline like this in the future? "President Trump to round up all Muslims and place them in concentration camps" It could happen. Donald Trump thinks that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers and he will build a wall to keep them out and round up all the "illegals" and send them perhaps to concentration camps?  His latest declaration is that he will ban immigration from certain countries. The next step as president will then be to round up all the "Muslims', "illegals" and misbehaving "others" It could happen? He can't just stop at banning new immigrants since he believes that all immigrants are suspect.  By the way, since immigrants are so undesirable, will Donald Trump be deporting Melania? Oh wait she is not Muslim, Mexican, African, ----.

Trump on immigration

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