Monday, October 31, 2016

Donald Trump Accused of Sexual Misconduct by 13 Women. Post election lawsuits predicted.

Trump signs woman's chest

Donald Trump Accused of Sexual Assault by 13 Women. Will they sue after the Election
Whether Donald Trump becomes the next president or not he will likely be embroiled in court cases brought by his accusers. It was Donald Trump's own statements caught on tape, that he "grabbed women by the pussy" leading to a firestorm  in the media and accusers claiming they were assaulted.

Of course most of Donald Trump's sexual assault accusations may not have been heard had he not made these lewd confessions. However, there are other accusations that precede these current ones.  Donald Trump's former wife Ivanka Trump accused Donald Trump of "violent rape" according to the Daily Beast.   Jill Garth brought a lawsuit against Donald Trump in 1997 alleging "multiple acts of sexual assault". An Anonymous person filed a lawsuit this year accusing Trump of raping her when she was 13 years old in 1994.

Should Donald Trump become president, will these accusations be permanently silenced or will more accusers come forward?

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