Mitt Romney is no stranger to Social Assistance or Welfare. His father George Romney was on welfare for several years, which meant that the whole family was dependant on the state including young Mitt. Think about it, if George Romney did
not get a hand up when the Government gave him welfare, then Mitt Romney would
not have had the privilege of inheriting millions from his father.
Romney said that 47% of the population who don’t pay taxes are
dependant on the government and they would vote for Obama no matter what. This
means that George Romney would have voted, without a doubt, for Obama, since he would have been in the 47% of the population, dependant on the state. One would think, therefore, that Mitt should would not so easily forget his roots and turn against half the population of the United States.
How does Mitt Romney know that the 47% on welfare and
dependant on the government will not go
on to do as well as his father did? Is Mitt Romney suggesting that the 47% currently on
welfare do not have the will or desire
to work hard and make money like George Romney did, if they are capable of doing so. Are injured vets who gave everything to secure freedom for all, now considered a drain on resources, a hanger on, a slacker? George Romney got a hand up by using the welfare system, a hand up that enable him to become the best that he could be.
Perhaps Mitt Romney is saying that only a certain type of
people are able to rise out of dependency,
Does this mean that when Romney becomes president he will do
away with
veterans benefits, welfare,
social assistance and medicare? It sure sounds that way especially since the
of society, the 47 percent
are a drain on the system. Grandma get ready to return to work!
And what about Mitt Romney’s taxes. We still don’t know how
much, if any taxes he pays since he refused to release his tax returns. Is he
afraid that we will classify him as one of the dependent 47% if we
knew the percentage of tax he paid or didn’t pay?
What does the Mormon religion believe as far as taking care
of those who are less fortunate? I doubt that they believe that those less
fortunate, the elderly, the poor, the infirm, injured vets, should neither be shown compassion
nor given a hand up.
Below is a quote from the Romney recording:
There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter
what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon
government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government is
responsible for them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to
housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should
give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what... These
are people who pay no income tax... my job is not to worry about those people.
I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for
their lives.