Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama Approval Ratings Jump After election

Image President Barack Obama

There has been a jump in the approval ratings of Obama and the democrats after the election. At the same time, and understandably so, the Republican party's approval rating remained the same as it was before the election. In a recent gallup poll Obama's favourability rose to 58% from 55% and the democrats were at 51% up from 46% before the election.

What does this mean for Obama as he starts his second term as President of the United States? Perhaps voters are comfortable with the results of the presidential election and hopeful for the future under the Obama administration.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lessons for Republicans from the 2012 Presidential campaign

Straw poll 2008 Republican Primary
Image Wikimedia Commons
There are many lessons to be learned from the US 2012 Presidential election. Perhaps the most important lesson for the Republicans is that the political demographics is changing and that they  can't count on the old loyalties to capult the party  to the presidency. Read the top 10 lessons for Rebublicans

Monday, November 5, 2012

Reasons Why Obama is Whiter Than Romney

Chris Rock has prepared a message for white voters. Essentially, he is trying to convince white undecided voters that Obama is "whiter" than Romney. Very funny.  Chris Rock's Message for White Voters

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Pitfalls of Angry Emails and Text Messaging

Angry Email
 Emails and text messaging can bring out the worst in the seemingly cool headed person. Many things we wouldn't dare say face to face becomes so much easier behind the keyboard on our computers or iPhones. Responding to, or sending an email in the heat of the moment can have unintended consequences so before you press the send button, think.
Tips to avoid email wars

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Romney on Redistribution of Wealth

There is no doubt that Mitt Romney is not a fan of "redistribution of wealth" as he calls it. For him it is Socialism in the truest form. To definitely establish Barack Obama's commitment to "Socialism" or "wealth redistribution", the Romney campaign unearthed a 14 year old video of President Obama mentioning the "R" work.

So what does the presidential hopeful really think about wealth redistribution? Well is is hard to say due to the conflicting messages we are receiving. In a 2007 interview with Glen Beck, Romney declared that  free emergency room care for those who can't afford to pay is "Socialism" When Romney was asked on 60 Minutes about  health care for everyone, he assurred us that this was already in place -that  emergency room care adequately provides for the uninsured.  And does anyone recall that March 2010 interview on MSNBC when Romeny responded "oh sure" when asked if he believed in Universal Health care?

Is Mitt Romney a socialist then in disguise for advocating emergency room care for the uninsured and Universal health care?

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Real Price of the iPhone 5

While the iPhone is unveiled with much pomp and pride in the USA, few know or care that it is produced on the backs of millions of underpaid and mistreated workers in China. In fact most of the cell phones and top brand name electronics for Apple and other tech firms are produced by the million worker strong Foxconn. In China, Taiwan and in factories around the world.

So what is the real price of an iPhone?

1)      About 2,000 workers in the China Foxconn factory were recently involved in a mass brawl that had quelled by some $5,000 police

2)      Rampant suicides of factory workers at the Foxconn factory raised more than a few eyebrows and were widely viewed as a reflection of the desperate conditions workers endured in the mass factories.
3)  Low wages and poor working conditions of workers in Foxconn factories ensure the demand in the west for iphones and the latest electronic gadgets are met.
According to a report, the Foxconn factories are ruled by highly authoritarian management with rigid disciplinary rules. In an environment where employees are treated as simply a number, regular brawls are not unexpected.
Next time you line up for hours to get your hands on the newest Apple invention or upgrade, or the latest X-box or your latest android phone, consider for a moment the hands that made them, the slave like working conditions under which they were made and miniscule wages received by the workers, and consider what you can do to change this.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mitt Romney is no Stranger to Social Assistance

Mitt Romney is no stranger to Social Assistance or Welfare. His father George Romney was on welfare for several years, which meant that the whole family was dependant on the state including young Mitt.  Think about it, if George Romney did not get a hand up when the Government gave him welfare, then Mitt Romney would not have had the privilege of inheriting millions from his father. 

 Romney said that   47% of the population who don’t pay taxes are dependant on the government and they would vote for Obama no matter what. This means that George Romney would have voted, without a doubt, for Obama, since he would have been in the 47% of the population, dependant on the state. One would think, therefore, that Mitt should would not so easily  forget his roots and turn against half the population of the United States.

How does Mitt Romney know that the 47% on welfare and dependant on the government  will not go on to do as well as his father did?  Is Mitt Romney  suggesting that the 47% currently on welfare do  not have the  will or desire to work hard and make money like George Romney did, if they are capable of doing so. Are injured vets who gave everything to secure freedom for all, now considered a drain on resources, a hanger on, a slacker?  George Romney got a hand up by using the welfare system, a hand up that enable him to become the best that he could be.
Perhaps Mitt Romney is saying that only a certain type of people are able to rise out of dependency,
Does this mean that when Romney becomes president he will do away with  veterans benefits, welfare, social assistance and medicare? It sure sounds that way especially since the “derelicts”  of society, the 47 percent are a drain on the system. Grandma get ready to return to work!

 And what about Mitt Romney’s taxes. We still don’t know how much, if any taxes he pays since he refused to release his tax returns. Is he afraid that we will classify him as one of the dependent 47%  if we  knew the percentage of tax he paid or didn’t pay?

What does the Mormon  religion believe as far as taking care of those who are less fortunate? I doubt that they believe that those less fortunate, the elderly, the poor, the infirm, injured vets, should neither be shown compassion nor given a hand up.

 Below is a quote from the Romney recording:
There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government is responsible for them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what... These are people who pay no income tax... my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How the Bush White House Ignored 9/11 Warnings

According to a New York Times report, George Bush and his Republican administration ignored several warnings that al-Qaeda had planned to attack the US and did nothing. Reporter Kurt Eichenwald apparently reviewed several presidential briefs with strong warnings about the impending attack, however, George Bush and his Republican cohorts dismissed the threats as al-Qaeda's attampt to distract them from the Iraq war.

If the facts as stated are true, then the Republican administration under George Bush did not take threats to the security of the United  States seriously. The result was the loss of thousands of lives and billions of dollars. If the George Bush administration did not listen to threats against the American people and did nothing then why is there not an investigation into what really happened?

Bet you if it were the Obama administration that had made such a blunder, then the Republicans would have been demanding Obama's head on a platter. Instead of celebrating the demise of the person responsible for the horrific 9/11 tragedy, it appears that the \republicans would rather there was no mention of Osama's demise and that Obama does not take credit for it.

September 9/11 was a horrendous attack on the peace and security of not only the US but the world as a whole and as much as some would like to forget it ever happened, we must never forget.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is Mitt Romney Better Off Today? You Betcha!

Is Mitt Romney better off today than four years ago? Only his tax report can tell.

Mitt Romney and the Republican party have adopted the campaign slogan asking "Are you better off today then you were ---? However, the question that everyone should be asking Mit Romney and the other 1% is how better off they are today than they were  four years ago. The answer  does not require brain surgery. One just has to know that Mitt Romney refuses to relase his tax records because he definitely has something to hide, like the huge profits he has probably made during the economic crises and the pittance he has probably paid, if any, in taxes.

Yes, the Mitt Romney's of America are certainly better off than they were 4 years ago thanks to the great depression and the need for greed. If the Romney's of America did not pay their fair share in taxes then the 99% suffers, the whole country suffers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Naked Prince Harry Frenzy - Has the Media Gone too Far

We were bombarded with pictures of Prince Harry's naked butt as he played a game of strip billards in the privacy of his room. Why is it not against the law to take someone's photo in the privacy of their bedrooms and hotel rooms without their consent? And how low has the media sunk? What ever happened to journalistic ethics as far as using information and publishing photos obtained in a questionable manner? Read More

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Half Naked beach Volleyball Women at the Olympics Are they Bad Role Models for Young Girls

The half naked bodies of the Olympics

Female beach volley ball is probably one of the only Olympic sports I don`t watch too often and I never watch the match if all there is are half naked almost middle aged women, in some cases. Let’s face it, even men would have a problem watching the cookie cutter bodies of cougars in bikinis.
I watch women`s volleyball if and when some of thewomen beach vollleyball  teams are playing because they are appropriately dressed for a sporting event that children watch and not wearing bikinis does not appear to affect their game terribly. «you may say that perhaps that is how the game is played in real life. My answer would be, yes if you are on the beach and not in a stadium.

It is surprising that the International Volleyball Federation announced that it would `permit ` shorts and tops other than bikinis in the 2012 Olympics.  With the need to encourage the participation  more women from different cultural backgrounds  it is hard to understand that bikinis are required wear for beach volleyball. Of course we know who make the rules – men and maybe it is the bikini and not sporting ability that makes women`s volleyball  such a popular sport

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Manitoba Judge Sex Inquiry - Pleading Ignorance

She is a judge responsible for making decisions about other people's morality yet she had sexual explict photos of herself posted on a porn site. The female judge, Lori Douglas is claiming innocence in the affair. She blames her husband, lawyer Jack King for posting the photos online without her knowledge. My question is, did her husband Jack King hold a gun to her head and force her to pose for explicit and nude photos that were posted on Dark Carvern porn site?

It almost appears as though the victim Alex Chapman, who spilled the beans, is seen as the bad guy in the torrid affair. Chapman claims that Jack King harrassed him by sending him nude photos of his wife and badgering him to have sex with her. He didn't and even though he received hush money to keep quiet, he broke his silence years later.

During the hearing, much attention is focused on King's character but does it really matter in this case when nude photos of the judge are being viewed by the court as evidence. There is no excuse for a judge who behaves in this way. The danger  is that if a crimminal she was trying had found out about the naked pictures online, she could have been blackmailed to set a crimminal free.

My fear is that this judge will be made to look like the victim and be back on the bench again handing down justice.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mitt Romney's Temper Tantrums

Even though many Republicans dislike Mitt Romney immensely, he has still managed to snag the Republican nomination for President. He is worth an estimated 250 million and has used his money to guarantee the results he wants in the Republican primary READ MORE

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Romney the Bully for President

No one likes a bully but is it possible that bullies change their ways or is it possible to ever really trust a presidential candidate accused of bullying.

Mitt Romney wants to be president but admits to bullying a gay teenage student. As the report goes

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mitt Romney's Views on Stay At Home Moms


Stay at home moms are not working according to Mitt Romney

Hilary Rosen's comment questioning Ann Romney's qualification to speak about economic issues since "she never worked a day in her life" has created an uproar even though short lived. Critics thought that Rosen was diminishing the role of stay at home moms. However, if we examine Mitt Romney's statements on stay at home moms we will she clearly how much he values what they do as "work". Mitt Romney believes that "work" which does not include stay at home work, is necessary to give women "dignity", even though his own wife has never "worked" according to his statements about women and work. Read More

Mitt Romney Straps Dog to Roof of car for 12 Hours



Strapping a dog on the roof of a car is animal cruelty

Seamus the Irish Setter is no longer with us so he can't tell us how he felt atop the Romney's Station Wagon for 12 hours, over 1200 KM on the long road trip the Romneys made regularly to their Grand Bend cottage in Ontario Canada. Read More

Dumb Things Mitt Romney Says

Mitt Romney could be the Republican nominee for president but even Republicans are not happy with the choice. Mitt Romney is an unknown and the unknown makes everyone nervous. Not only are there concerns about his philosophy and his stiff demeanour, they feel he is a somewhat loose cannon that may not be tamed. So in order to get some insight into the man Romney. we need to take a look at some of the things he has been saying and be warned, they are not pretty.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tiger Woods has left the Building - Withdraws from Cadillac Championship

Tiger Woods quit the Cadillac Championship in Miami today. What is ailing Tiger?

Tiger Woods made it to the 11th hole in a match that wasn't really going his way on Sunday in the final round of the Cadillac championship.  This would be the second time Tiger Woods has had to withdraw in the middle of a golf match. In May of 2011he withdrew after 9 holes in the in the Players Championship.

 Tiger Woods claimed that his injured left knee was in tip top shape so his abrupt withdrawl left commentators wondering what could had led to his withdrawl. He was seen changing shoes and there are some reports that he was limping at the 10th and 11th hole, but twas his injury serious enough to abandon the match?

After his last withdrawl from the Players championship in May, Tiger needed 4 months to recover from his knee injury. He still has to play the Bay Hill in two weeks and then off to the Masters so the question is, will he recover in time? One will have to assume that Tiger Woods was really seriously injured to withdraw from the Cadillac championship or he took preventative measures to protect his knee from further injuries in light of the up coming Masters. Only tiger knows.

A Blow to the Women's Movement - The Rush Limbaugh Tirade

Rush Limbaugh's "Slut" and "prostitute" comment is and attack on all women, one that  demeans and diminishes the women's right movement. 
The women's movement has taken a serious blow with Rush Limbaugh crazed triade against Sandra Fluke who he called a "slut" and a "prostitute" Why are women still being called names like slut, prostitute, bitch for wanting the same freedom that men already have; for wanting the same medical care and respect given to their male counterparts?

It would appear that some menjust don't get it; men who are products of a woman's sexuality; men who were bred as a result of the same sexuality activity women are decried for. Women are being critized today for using birth control or wanting the insurance company to pay for it. It is viewed by the conservative mainly Republican male as an encouragement for women to have lots of sex according to Rush Limbaugh.

Birth control does more than prevent unwanted pregnancies; birth control prevents a number of cancers and illnesses in women saving millions in health care costs. But as long as women continue to be seen as mere chattels, lesser species of animals or sex crazed "sluts" the women's movement can never move forward.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The All White Cast of Smash

 Smash the new TV music show has an an all white main cast. Other ethnic groups have been excluded from the full 15 episodes and are given token apppearances in a few episodes.

Yes it is the 21st century but not much has changed in TV land. The new music show SMASH is visibly lacking ethnic diversity in the main character cast. A closer look reveals that there are a few members of "other than mainstream ethnic groups" but they are limited to between 2 and 6 episodes and are excluded from the full 15 episodes. I often wonder what goes into the thinking and selection process for these shows.

No one can claim that there are no qualified blacks, latinos and other ethnic groups that can anchor the SMASH show. Isn't it about time that the mainstream media stop using their wealth and power to openly discriminate against other Americans based on ethnicity? Of course I will never watch the show SMASH because I think it is high time that the US media and entertainment industry start accepting the fact that America is made up of a variety of ethnic groups who deserve a chance to participate as equals in the entertainment industry rather than as tokens.

Ann Harada 2 episodes on Smash

Eisa Davis 2 episodes on Smash