Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Blow to the Women's Movement - The Rush Limbaugh Tirade

Rush Limbaugh's "Slut" and "prostitute" comment is and attack on all women, one that  demeans and diminishes the women's right movement. 
The women's movement has taken a serious blow with Rush Limbaugh crazed triade against Sandra Fluke who he called a "slut" and a "prostitute" Why are women still being called names like slut, prostitute, bitch for wanting the same freedom that men already have; for wanting the same medical care and respect given to their male counterparts?

It would appear that some menjust don't get it; men who are products of a woman's sexuality; men who were bred as a result of the same sexuality activity women are decried for. Women are being critized today for using birth control or wanting the insurance company to pay for it. It is viewed by the conservative mainly Republican male as an encouragement for women to have lots of sex according to Rush Limbaugh.

Birth control does more than prevent unwanted pregnancies; birth control prevents a number of cancers and illnesses in women saving millions in health care costs. But as long as women continue to be seen as mere chattels, lesser species of animals or sex crazed "sluts" the women's movement can never move forward.

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