Smash the new TV music show has an an all white main cast. Other ethnic groups have been excluded from the full 15 episodes and are given token apppearances in a few episodes.
Yes it is the 21st century but not much has changed in TV land. The new music show SMASH is visibly lacking ethnic diversity in the main character cast. A closer look reveals that there are a few members of "other than mainstream ethnic groups" but they are limited to between 2 and 6 episodes and are excluded from the full 15 episodes. I often wonder what goes into the thinking and selection process for these shows.
No one can claim that there are no qualified blacks, latinos and other ethnic groups that can anchor the SMASH show. Isn't it about time that the mainstream media stop using their wealth and power to openly discriminate against other Americans based on ethnicity? Of course I will never watch the show SMASH because I think it is high time that the US media and entertainment industry start accepting the fact that America is made up of a variety of ethnic groups who deserve a chance to participate as equals in the entertainment industry rather than as tokens.
Ann Harada 2 episodes on Smash
Eisa Davis 2 episodes on Smash
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