Saturday, May 28, 2016

Donald Trump feared and hated on a global scale

I was surprised on a recent visit to South America at the level of fear of Donald Trump possibly becoming President of the United States.  100% of those I spoke to thinks Donald Trump is a loose cannon and feared for the future of the world should he be elected, The mere mention of his name brought fear and  disgust from those I spoke to and as much as the press is suggesting that Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a tied race, those I spoke to do not believe that he could ever win the White House.

Without a doubt, Hilary Clinton is the hands on favorite to win the White House among those I spoke to which got me thinking - has there ever been a more despised candidate for the White House? The fact that people are weighing in with negative thoughts about Donald Trump from around the world leads one to question whether Donald Trump could actually win with such bad vibes surrounding his presidential bid. Of course the world won't be voting on election day but there will be global prayers with the hope of influencing the presidential outcome in Hilary Clinton's favor.

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