Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Donald Trump's Dream Running Mate Oprah Winfrey

Was Donald Trump serious when he said he wanted Oprah Winfrey as a running mate? If he was and he asks her, would she accept?

image wikimedia Commons, by vargas2040

When Donald Trump announced his bid for the Presidency in 2015, he told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he knows Oprah and wants her as his running make. Both celebrities, they do have a lot in common. Since Oprah campaigned with Barack Obama It is hard to picture her as a Republican running mate. However, since Donald Trump is not seen as a "true" Republican, the two may well be a match made in heaven. And while Oprah Winfrey may not be of the same political persuasion as Donald Trump, the smell of power can be a stronger lure than money. When you have more money than you can spend, power - like the presidency or the vice presidency sure sounds good. Read More

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