Sunday, February 28, 2016

Image National photo co. Ku Klux Meeting

Presidential Jewels of the day - Donald Trump on Ku Klux Klan and White Supremacist. Donald Trump could not summon the courage to deny an association with the  Ku Klux Klan by  claiming ignorance of the group. The man who wants to be president of the United States touting make America "Great again",  gave an un-presidential response when asked on CNN if he will disavow former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. He stumbled and stuttered but still could not say his supporters name. He said he didn't know enough to "disavow David Duke"

Trump: "Just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK?" 

Trump: "I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," he said. "So I don't know. I don't know -- did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists."

Really? The man who wants to be president knows nothing about the White Supremacist movement or the Ku Klux Klan ? This is the same guy who claimed to be a supporter of Israel but he cannot disavow a group, or claim to know noting of a group, that worships Hitler.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Presidential Jewels of the Day, Rubio Trump Smackdown

Image Pixaby

The Rubio VS Trump battle at the Republican nomination debate was the most amusing yet. It may be a little too late but Rubio and Cruz have decided to attack the mighty Trump on his business record primarily. This exchange provided a lot of "presidential" jewels that had me laughing through the night. Here are some.

1) Rubio on Trump stated that if Trump  "hadn't inherited $200
million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan."

2) Rubio on Trump : "If he builds a wall the way he built Trump Tower he'll be using illegal immigration to do it."

3)Trump on Rubio and Cruz "This guy's a choke artist and this guy's a liar. ... Other than that I rest my case."

4) Rubio on Trump:  Trump University "a fake school."

5) Ben Carson after feeling shut out of the debate 'Can someone attack me, please?'

Presidential Jewels of the day Ben Carson

Image pixaby , Obama

More presidential jewels and today it is from Ben Carson. Being the bottom feeder in the republican nomination race has led him to start attacking the sitting president. Not his fellow nominee seekers but the Barack Obama who he is really not in competition with. However, Ben Carson has decided on a new competition - perhaps one he thins he can win - Who is the blackest of them all. Here he goes referring to Obama in a podcast.

" He is an 'African' American. He was, you know, raised white"

Then in an effort to prove his "blackness" Ben Carson illustrates his blackness by claiming that he lived in the ghetto with Rats and Cockroaches. So according to Ben Carson to be "black" you have to be raised in the ghetto with rats and cockroaches.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Presidential jewels of the day Donald Trump

image baby crying Pixaby

I have begun to collect presidential jewels of words by the presidential contestants. Today it is the words of Donald Trump that are so outrageous in delivery and substance that they are my top jewels of the day. Here is your future president's description of his Republican opponent Ted Cruz: 

He is like a little baby: soft, weak, little baby

Sounds like a two year old taunting the one year old doesn't it? What next? na na na na

Friday, February 19, 2016

Whose afraid of Donald Trump? Not the Pope.

Next battle Jesus versus Trump. Like Donald Trump, Pope Francis says what is on his mind. He told off people in  the crowd following him in Mexico by calling them essentially "selfish". When asked by reporters about Trump's plan to build a wall, he responded that

"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel,"   

Of course the Pope did not refer to Trump by name but made a general response to the question.
Next up Jesus Versus Trump

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Donald Trump Retweets White Supremicist Welcome to the New President of the United States

Donald Trump Retweets White Supremicist Welcome to the New President of the United States

It has come to this - Donald Trump the would be president of the United States, retweeting a tweet from a White Supremicist. If you don't know what "retweeting" is all about it is a message from one person  reposted by another person to gain maximum attention - the more retweets, the more popular the post becomes. Now you would only retweet a post you like or from someone you are a faan of or a post that you agree with and a message you approve of, right?  Here is the Tweet:

"@WhiteGenocideTM: @realDonaldTrump Poor Jeb. I could've sworn I saw him outside Trump Tower the other day!"

Friday, February 5, 2016

John Richard Kasich Republican Candidate

John Richard Kasich Republican Candidate  has been rising in the polls slightly after Iowa. But who is John Kasich. We know he is Governor of Ohio but what is his reputation, what does he believe what are his accomplishments READ MORE

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The presidency of the United States when age does matter

I firmly believe that age is a number, that it shouldn't determine if someone gets the job or not as long as they are physically and mentally capable of performing it. But there are limits, especially when it comes to being president of the United States or any country. Take Bernie Sanders. I actually like the guy but I worry about what the presidency will do to him. I question why someone who should be enjoying retirement is fighting for the job of presidennt. We all see what happens to young men who become president. The grey hairs appear and ageing speeds up. Just look at the young dashing Barack Obama 8 years ago and look at him today. The Office of president does do a number on you. Now take Bernie Sanders, who in his seventies already look older than a seventy year old should. What toll will the presidency take on him?

There is a reason there is a thing called retirement. After a certain age, your body and mind starts to tire. It is a good time to take on a world cruise not  world politics.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

You're Fired! Donald Trump gets his due

The press adores him. Donald Trump adores himself. We have heard endless chatter about his greatness, his strong poll numbers and the fact that he is a "winner" But in the much touted Iowa primary, Donald the winner became Donald the loser. He was "fired" so to speak. I actually hoped that Donald would win this one but he didn't. Instead it was Ted Cruz - the Canadian. Beaten by a Canadian! Oh Donald, you just have to make this right.