Friday, February 26, 2016

Presidential Jewels of the Day, Rubio Trump Smackdown

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The Rubio VS Trump battle at the Republican nomination debate was the most amusing yet. It may be a little too late but Rubio and Cruz have decided to attack the mighty Trump on his business record primarily. This exchange provided a lot of "presidential" jewels that had me laughing through the night. Here are some.

1) Rubio on Trump stated that if Trump  "hadn't inherited $200
million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan."

2) Rubio on Trump : "If he builds a wall the way he built Trump Tower he'll be using illegal immigration to do it."

3)Trump on Rubio and Cruz "This guy's a choke artist and this guy's a liar. ... Other than that I rest my case."

4) Rubio on Trump:  Trump University "a fake school."

5) Ben Carson after feeling shut out of the debate 'Can someone attack me, please?'

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