Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The presidency of the United States when age does matter

I firmly believe that age is a number, that it shouldn't determine if someone gets the job or not as long as they are physically and mentally capable of performing it. But there are limits, especially when it comes to being president of the United States or any country. Take Bernie Sanders. I actually like the guy but I worry about what the presidency will do to him. I question why someone who should be enjoying retirement is fighting for the job of presidennt. We all see what happens to young men who become president. The grey hairs appear and ageing speeds up. Just look at the young dashing Barack Obama 8 years ago and look at him today. The Office of president does do a number on you. Now take Bernie Sanders, who in his seventies already look older than a seventy year old should. What toll will the presidency take on him?

There is a reason there is a thing called retirement. After a certain age, your body and mind starts to tire. It is a good time to take on a world cruise not  world politics.

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