Thursday, March 24, 2016

My wife is prettier than your wife na na na na na

The war over whose wife is prettier than whose wife has become more important than the ISIS bombing in Belgium. It all started when a commercial aired with a photo of Donald Trump's wife Melanie posing nude on the cover of a magazine. Now racy and semi nude photos of  Melania are all over the internet so it shouldn't have been a shock to Donald Trump to see one of them in an ad.

Donald Trump accuses Ted Cruz and threatens his wife that he will reveal stuff about her. Heidi, Ted Cruz's wife responds as did her husband. But this was not the end, Trump posted an unflattering photo of Heidi alongside a photo of Melanie with the caption “A picture is worth a thousand words,” 
Ted Cruz responded "Donald, you're a sniveling coward and leave Heidi the hell alone,

What is shocking about all this is that there are people - lots of people who feel that Donald Trump is Presidential material. All those people, women in particular,  who are backing   Trump for the presidential nomination, take warning. He will call you fat, pig, ugly if you are not looking like a supermodel. I am actually sorry for poor Melanie since she has passed the age where Trump may want to trade her in for a newer model.

The world is in crisis and all the two presidential wannabes can do is fight over their wives. 

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