Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The problem with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio

Image Marco Rubio Credit donkeyhotey

There are two problems with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio which has made it possible for a candidate like Donald Trump to possible snag the Republican nomination. The Republican party is in an unenviable position; they hate the candidate who will be representing the Republican party and the don't much like the alternatives - Ted and Marco. So what's a voter to do?  Supporting the alternative candidates does not seem to be working so far. Why? Well I believe Ted and Marco are more of a problem than Trump and here is why.

1) Both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio spent the first critical moments of the campaign fighting Barack Obama instead of Trump. In all their debates and meetings they insulted and  derided not only the sitting president of the United States but America as well. If you don't know any better you would probably think that under Obama the USA has become a third world country. The problem with this is that Obama is not running for president - Trump is. So it would seem that, unless they believed Trump could make a great president, they would have concentrated their efforts on stopping him long ago.
Image Ted Cruz credit donkeyhotey

2) The other problem is likeability. You hear it all the time - talk about how hated Cruz is by the establishment and the "Ted Cruz is Crazy" talk that has flooded the internet. You have seen how little confidence in his abilities, Marco Rubio instills in he Republican voting public.
So who to vote for; one of the two candidates who border on the "boring" at times or one who offends every class of people in the Unites States and the world, a billionaire, an entertainer, and one with reported questionable business practices.  You see the dilemma? I gues many Republicans are praying for a "savior" today.

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