Friday, March 18, 2016

Ted Cruz - Can a Canadian born become President of the United States?

When Ted Cruz first  announced on Twitter that he will be running for the Republican nomination for President, the question on everybody's mind was, could he?  The Tea Party is, or was,  a strong supporter of the far right candidate who has taken a strong stance against the Obama health care policy. Cruz, like Trump, will build a wall and deport all undocumented Mexicans. Luckily there was no wall between Canada and the US when he crossed over.  The question is, will his birth country come back to haunt him in the election. The 44 year old Canadian born only renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 - a strategic move?

If we recall, conservatives, led by Donald trump,  went to all lengths to try to prove that Obama was born outside of the USA. They failed of course but there is no doubt about where Ted Cruz was born. However, very little attention is paid to Cruz's country of birth. In fact it is practically ignored by the media, the Republicans and the Democrats. Cruz is running second to Trump in the race for the Republican nomination. Will the country of his birth  help or hurt him?. Has it already hurt him? Does one  have to be born in the USA to become president?

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